Preparing a Spatchcock Chicken
We want to show you how simple it is to prepare a whole chicken that can be used for different cooking methods and meals from the comfort of your home.
How to prepare Spatchcock Chicken!

1. Turn your chicken so that the breast is facing down

2. Trim the base of the chicken between the legs

3. Find the breastbone and using a sharp knife, make one deep cut on the right-hand side of this along the length of the bone.

4. Lift the skin and meat up and out of the cavity with same hand while using the knife to steady the carcass.

5. Now, repeat the same step on the left-hand side of the chicken

6. Slightly pull the legs apart to make the breastbone more prominent.

7. On one hand, hold the furthest point of the bone between your fingers, and use your other hand to make a deep cut down through the bone.

8. With the bone now clearly exposed, repeat the same step and remove the breast bone.

9. Now that the bone is removed all knife-work is complete.

10. Turn the bird upside down, and using both hands press down on the carcass to flatten the bird. You might need to repeat this step a second time.

11. Now you can add flavourings and seasoning before cooking!