Preparing Chicken Legs
We want to show you how simple it is to prepare a whole chicken that can be used for different cooking methods and meals from the comfort of your home.
How to prepare chicken legs

1. Start by placing the whole chicken on a chopping board

2. Use one hand to hold the leg and pull this slightly away from the carcass. Use a sharp knife to make an incision, pressing down to cut through the bone until you reach the chopping board underneath

3. Turn the chicken on it's side so that the leg is facing you beside the wing. Holding the leg in your hand, open this outward to expose the bone and make the incision larger.

4. With the chicken still on it's side, use the knife to slice at a downward angle toward to the left to make a clear incision.

5. Pull the leg upwards toward you as the knife moves further through the joint.

6. Now repeat on the other side

7. Use your free hand to hold the leg in one hand while you make an incision with the knife pressing down to cut through the bone until you reach the chopping board.

8. Hold the chicken upright, so that the leg is closest to you. Pull the leg away from you to expose the bone and make the incision larger

9. Place the chicken so that the breast is on the chopping board. Hold the chicken leg in your left-hand and pull this to the left to expose the bone.

10. Use your knife to slice downwards and to the left to cut through the bone

11. Now you can cook the chicken in your preferred recipe