Preparing Chicken Breasts
We want to show you how simple it is to prepare a whole chicken that can be used for different cooking methods and meals from the comfort of your home.
How to prepare chicken breasts and wings

1. place the whole chicken on a chopping board.

2. Begin by removing the legs. Find out how to do that here

3. Find the breastbone and make an incision to the left of this. Use your knife to slice the length of the chicken moving toward you. Use your other hand to hold the chicken steady.

4. Use your knife to slice down and to the left of the breast to remove all meat as close to the bone as possible. Use your left hand to hold the wing and lift the meat away from you so that you can easily cut down through the bone to separate the wing from the carcass.

5. Make another incision and move the knife away from you to slice the top of the breast.

6. Place the breast to one side and repeat on the other side

7. To make this steadier, hold the carcass on the lef-hand side as you make the incision along the length of the breast bone.

8. As you move the knife closer to you, press the blade downwards until you reach the chopping board.

9. Move your free hand and hold the breast between your fingers and thumb so that the meat is slightly away from you. With the knife, angle the blade down and to the right to cleanly cut the breast and wing from the carcass.

10. Rotate the chopping board around so that the chicken cavity is facing toward you. Hold the chicken breast between your fingers and thumb in one hand and use the other to slice toward you to remove the breast.

11. Repeat the slice to ensure all meat is cleanly removed.

12. You can now cook the portions or remove the wings

13. Hold the wing in one hand, Slice at an angle to remove the bone completely where it connects to the breast

14. Repeat on the other side

15. The chicken is now ready to cook in your preferred recipe